This tutorial provides a guide on how to perform the textual sentiment computation.


Ready-to-use sentiment calculation

A simple calculation of sentiment. Given that the two used lexicons are so-called binary, every final score, with the "counts" option, is the difference between the number of positive lexicon words (those with a score of 1) and the number of negative lexicon words (those with a score of –1) detected in the text.

s <- compute_sentiment(
  sento_lexicons(list_lexicons[c("GI_en", "LM_en")]),
  how = "counts"

##             id word_count GI_en LM_en
##    1:    text1        213    -2    -2
##    2:    text2        110     6     2
##    3:    text3        202     1    -3
##    4:    text4        153     1     2
##    5:    text5        245     2    -7
##   ---                                
## 4141: text4141        191     4     1
## 4142: text4142        147     3     0
## 4143: text4143        182     5     2
## 4144: text4144        168     2    -3
## 4145: text4145        181     1    -2

Sentiment calculation from a sento_corpus object

The same simple calculation as above, but using a sento_corpus object and the metadata features in the corpus. A "date" variable is always part of any sento_corpus, and is also considered a docvar.

corpus <- sento_corpus(usnews)

## A sento_corpus consisting of 4,145 documents and 5 docvars.
lexicons <- sento_lexicons(list_lexicons[c("GI_en", "LM_en", "HENRY_en")])

s <- compute_sentiment(corpus, lexicons, how = "counts")

##           id       date word_count GI_en--wsj GI_en--wapo GI_en--economy
## 1: 830981846 1995-01-02        213          0          -2             -2
## 2: 842617067 1995-01-05        110          6           0              0
## 3: 830982165 1995-01-05        202          0           1              0
## 4: 830982389 1995-01-08        153          0           1              0
## 5: 842615996 1995-01-09        245          2           0              0
## 6: 830982368 1995-01-09        212          0           3              3
##    GI_en--noneconomy LM_en--wsj LM_en--wapo LM_en--economy LM_en--noneconomy
## 1:                 0          0          -2             -2                 0
## 2:                 6          2           0              0                 2
## 3:                 1          0          -3              0                -3
## 4:                 1          0           2              0                 2
## 5:                 2         -7           0              0                -7
## 6:                 0          0          -3             -3                 0
##    HENRY_en--wsj HENRY_en--wapo HENRY_en--economy HENRY_en--noneconomy
## 1:             0              1                 1                    0
## 2:             2              0                 0                    2
## 3:             0              3                 0                    3
## 4:             0              3                 0                    3
## 5:             2              0                 0                    2
## 6:             0              1                 1                    0

Sentiment calculation from a tm SimpleCorpus object

Another simple sentiment calculation, this time using a tm package corpus object. Super flexible! The output is on purpose slightly different, as the scores are divided by the total number of words.

corpus <- SimpleCorpus(VectorSource(usnews[["texts"]]))

## <<SimpleCorpus>>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 1, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 4145
lexicons <- sento_lexicons(list_lexicons[c("GI_en", "LM_en", "HENRY_en")])

s <- compute_sentiment(corpus, lexicons, how = "proportional")

##             id word_count        GI_en        LM_en    HENRY_en
##    1:    text1        213 -0.009389671 -0.009389671 0.004694836
##    2:    text2        110  0.054545455  0.018181818 0.018181818
##    3:    text3        202  0.004950495 -0.014851485 0.014851485
##    4:    text4        153  0.006535948  0.013071895 0.019607843
##    5:    text5        245  0.008163265 -0.028571429 0.008163265
##   ---                                                          
## 4141: text4141        191  0.020942408  0.005235602 0.068062827
## 4142: text4142        147  0.020408163  0.000000000 0.054421769
## 4143: text4143        182  0.027472527  0.010989011 0.065934066
## 4144: text4144        168  0.011904762 -0.017857143 0.011904762
## 4145: text4145        181  0.005524862 -0.011049724 0.011049724

Sentiment calculation from own tokenization

This example showcases some more flexibility. You can tokenize your corpus outside the sentiment computation function call, to control exactly which words the lexicons are going to look into.

corpus <- sento_corpus(usnews)
tks <- as.list(tokens(corpus, what = "fastestword"))

lexicons <- sento_lexicons(list_lexicons[c("GI_en", "LM_en", "HENRY_en")])

compute_sentiment(as.character(corpus), lexicons, how = "counts", tokens = tks)
##              id word_count GI_en LM_en HENRY_en
##    1: 830981846        216     0    -1        0
##    2: 842617067        120     4     3        3
##    3: 830982165        215     3    -3        4
##    4: 830982389        155     1     3        3
##    5: 842615996        257     0    -5        1
##   ---                                          
## 4141: 842613758        198     4     2       11
## 4142: 842615135        149     0     0        5
## 4143: 842617266        189     4     3       10
## 4144: 842614354        173     0    -3        2
## 4145: 842616130        186    -4    -2        2

To provide your own tokenized input on sentence-level, beware that you need to provide a list of lists, and set do.sentence = TRUE. See one of the next examples for more info about sentence-level sentiment calculation.

sentences <- tokens(corpus, what = "sentence")
tks2 <- lapply(sentences, function(s) as.list(tokens(s, what = "word")))

compute_sentiment(as.character(corpus), lexicons[2:3], how = "counts", tokens = tks2, do.sentence = TRUE)
##               id sentence_id word_count LM_en HENRY_en
##     1: 830981846           1         13     1        1
##     2: 830981846           2         20     0        0
##     3: 830981846           3         15     0        0
##     4: 830981846           4         19    -1        0
##     5: 830981846           5         20    -3        0
##    ---                                                
## 42866: 842616130           5         22    -1        1
## 42867: 842616130           6         27     0        0
## 42868: 842616130           7         11    -1       -1
## 42869: 842616130           8         40     0        1
## 42870: 842616130           9         26     0        1

The three key approaches to the sentiment computation

We offer three main approaches to do the lexicon-based sentiment calculation: account only for unigrams (simple), consider valence shifting in a bigrams perspective (valence), or consider valence shifting in a cluster of words around a detected polarized word (cluster). Read the vignette for more details! Here we demonstrate how to plot the different approaches for comparison.

txts <- usnews[1:200, "texts"]

vals <- list_valence_shifters[["en"]]

lexValence <- sento_lexicons(list(nrc = hash_sentiment_nrc), vals[, c("x", "y")])
lexCluster <- sento_lexicons(list(nrc = hash_sentiment_nrc), vals[, c("x", "t")])

s1 <- compute_sentiment(txts, head(lexValence, -1))$nrc
s2 <- compute_sentiment(txts, lexValence)$nrc
s3 <- compute_sentiment(txts, lexCluster)$nrc
s <- cbind(simple = s1, valence = s2, cluster = s3)

matplot(s, type = "l", lty = 1, ylab = "Sentiment", xlab = "Text")
legend("topright", col = 1:3, legend = colnames(s), lty = 1, cex = 0.7, bty = "n")

Sentence-level sentiment calculation and aggregation

A textual sentiment computation on sentence-level, starting from a document-level corpus, and normalized dividing by the number of detected polarized words. Subsequently, the resulting sentence-level scores are aggregated into document-level scores.

corpus <- sento_corpus(usnews[, 1:3])

s <- compute_sentiment(
  how = "proportionalPol",
  do.sentence = TRUE

##               id sentence_id       date word_count LM_en--dummyFeature
##     1: 830981846           1 1995-01-02         12                   1
##     2: 830981846           2 1995-01-02         17                   0
##     3: 830981846           3 1995-01-02         13                   0
##     4: 830981846           4 1995-01-02         19                  -1
##     5: 830981846           5 1995-01-02         19                  -1
##    ---                                                                
## 44798: 842616130           5 2014-12-31         19                  -1
## 44799: 842616130           6 2014-12-31         26                   0
## 44800: 842616130           7 2014-12-31         10                  -1
## 44801: 842616130           8 2014-12-31         38                   0
## 44802: 842616130           9 2014-12-31         25                   0
sDocs <- aggregate(s, ctr_agg(howDocs = "proportional"), do.full = FALSE)

##              id       date word_count LM_en--dummyFeature
##    1: 830981846 1995-01-02        228          0.15555556
##    2: 842617067 1995-01-05        122          1.00000000
##    3: 830982165 1995-01-05        213         -0.15811966
##    4: 830982389 1995-01-08        158          1.00000000
##    5: 842615996 1995-01-09        259         -1.00000000
##   ---                                                    
## 4141: 842613758 2014-12-23        200          0.39393939
## 4142: 842615135 2014-12-23        159          0.01639344
## 4143: 842617266 2014-12-24        191          0.56547619
## 4144: 842614354 2014-12-26        182         -0.88333333
## 4145: 842616130 2014-12-31        196         -0.52000000

From these sentiment scores, we find the 4 documents where most positive sentiment scores were detected.

peakDocsPos <- peakdocs(sDocs, n = 4, type = "pos")

## [1] "842614712" "842617067" "830982389" "830985188"
corpusPeaks <- corpus_subset(corpus, docnames(corpus) %in% peakDocsPos)

Tf-idf sentiment calculation as in the quanteda package

The term frequency-inverse document frequency statistic is widely used to quantify term importance in a corpus. Its use extends to sentiment calculation simply by adding the polarity of the words to the equation. This example shows that the tf-idf sentiment output from sentometrics is the same as the output obtained using the text mining package quanteda.

# ensure same tokenization for full comparability
txts <- usnews$texts[1:100]
toks <- stri_split_boundaries(stri_trans_tolower(txts), type = "word", 
                              skip_word_none = TRUE)

# pick a lexicon
lexIn <- list_lexicons$GI_en

# quanteda tf-idf sentiment calculation
dfmQ <- dfm(as.tokens(toks)) %>% dfm_tfidf(k = 1)

posWords <- lexIn[y == 1, x]
negWords <- lexIn[y == -1, x]

posScores <- rowSums(dfm_select(dfmQ, posWords))
negScores <- rowSums(dfm_select(dfmQ, negWords))
q <- unname(posScores - negScores)

# sentometrics tf-idf sentiment calculation
lex <- sento_lexicons(list(L = lexIn))

s <- compute_sentiment(txts, lex, how = "TFIDF", tokens = toks)[["L"]]

R they equal?

all.equal(q, s)
## [1] TRUE

Multi-language sentiment computation

Multi-language textual sentiment analysis requires only a few modifications to the corpus and lexicons setup. One needs first to have a non-numeric "language" feature to be integrated into a sento_corpus object. This feature’s task is to regulate the application of the input lexicons supplied in different languages to the texts based on their associated language tag.

corpusdt <- data.table(
  id = as.character(1:3),
  date = Sys.Date(),
  texts = c("Dit is goed. Bien, good.", "Çeci est bien. Goed, good.", "This is good. Goed, bien."),
  language = c("nl", "fr", "en"),
  ftr = 0.5 # a numeric feature
corpus <- sento_corpus(corpusdt)

## A multi-language sento_corpus consisting of 3 documents and 3 docvars.
lexicons <- list(nl = sento_lexicons(list("lexNL" = data.frame("goed", 1))), 
                 fr = sento_lexicons(list("lexFR" = data.frame("bien", 1))),
                 en = sento_lexicons(list("lexEN" = data.frame("good", 1))))

s <- compute_sentiment(corpus, lexicons, "counts")

##    id       date word_count lexNL--ftr lexFR--ftr lexEN--ftr
## 1:  1 2021-08-18          5        0.5        0.0        0.0
## 2:  2 2021-08-18          5        0.0        0.5        0.0
## 3:  3 2021-08-18          5        0.0        0.0        0.5